Should New Agents Join a Real Estate Team?

Should New Agents Join a Real Estate Team?

To join a real estate team, or to go solo? That is the question — and an important topic to consider for new brokers who are just getting started in the business. 

Here in Chicago, real estate teams are quite common, both at my brokerage Baird & Warner, and at other real estate brokerages around the city.

As with so many decisions in the early days of your real estate career, the choices you make now can have a significant impact on your success down the line. But it’s important to remember that there is no one “right” or “wrong” way to move forward. 

Ultimately, choosing whether or not you should become part of a real estate team is a personal decision, based on what matters most to you. There are pros and cons to both options — and lots of important questions for new-to-the business brokers to keep in mind. 

Continue reading “Should New Agents Join a Real Estate Team?”

This Real Estate Life: New Podcast episode!

This week, we bring you a whole lot of virtual insanity with top producing Realtor, John Lyons, as he shares his tips for success when leveraging a virtual assistant. John has successfully scaled his real estate business in a short period of time by utilizing a virtual assistant to complete paperwork and other tasks. This frees him up to find and serve clients, which is what he does best and keeps the business growing. But it wasn’t always easy! In our interview, John will share how he got started, the mistakes he made with his first assistants, and how to know when it is time to hire your first assistant. He also shares some great tips for working with clients over zoom calls and screenshares…definitely a strategy that is both important and necessary to do business in our new normal.

Connect with John-


Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @JohnLyons.ChicagoRealEstate

Listen to the episode below!

Listen to our previous episode with Matt Thomas about leveraging video to grow your business below-

New to Real Estate? Here’s How to Find the Brokerage That Will Be the Right Fit

Finding the Real Estate Brokerage That Will Be Right For You

When you’re new to your career in real estate, finding the right brokerage is one of the most important factors in determining your future success. 

With so many brokerages and local offices to choose from in Chicago, it’s important to do your homework and put in some time to find the place that will be the right fit for you and the career you want to build. 

When you join a brokerage, you’re choosing a professional “home base” — one where you can start building relationships, learning the ropes, and growing your business. With a decision this big, it can be hard to know just where to start your search. What factors should you look at in order to compare different real estate brokerages? What steps can you take to really find the one that will be the best match for your style and personal goals?

Everyone is different, and launching a real estate business is certainly not a “one size fits all” proposition. In my view, finding the right brokerage really comes down to evaluating three major components:

  • Training and coaching
  • Access to management and support
  • Office culture
Continue reading “New to Real Estate? Here’s How to Find the Brokerage That Will Be the Right Fit”

How to Get Your Real Estate License In Chicago

How to Get Your Real Estate License In Chicago

Are you ready for a career in real estate? I’m here to help set you down the path to success.

Working as a real estate broker is an opportunity to work in an industry that is flexible, fast-paced, and always evolving. Here in Chicago, being a broker is a meaningful opportunity to help build up your community. It’s an exciting and rewarding career path, with high earning-potential — and there’s never a bad time to get started. 

In order to become a Chicago real estate broker, you first need to get your Illinois real estate license — which means attending classes, passing an exam, and joining the real estate brokerage that will be the right fit for you. 

Continue reading “How to Get Your Real Estate License In Chicago”

Mike – Time Flies

Time flies!!! Six months ago I started my real estate Career at Baird and Warner with no prior real estate experience. Since then, I can’t believe how much I have learned and experienced in such a relatively short amount of time!

The support system here at Baird & Warner has been invaluable to me. I am the type of person who learns best by doing, and at our office learning is a constant. In addition to the weekly new agent training class with our Managing Broker David,  a couple of the newer agents and I have coordinated with our Sales Support Manager Diana to host classes/discussions of our own on various topics. These may be an informal 10 minute break where she will explain how to handle a multiple offer situation, or it will be a full hour in the conference room where she and David will coordinate a top producer to share their insights.

The staff here is also a great resource. When I had my first rental listing, Gillian (one of our rock-star admins) walked me through step by step all the nuances of the MLS, and how to properly dot my I’s and cross my T’s. No matter what type of transaction you’re working on or what type of question you have, you don’t have to look far to get an answer here. I’ve been able to share some technology tips that I learned from my previous career with some of the veteran agents as well and it feels great to be able to teach them something too!

In the past couple months I’ve been hosting at least one open house a weekend. It’s a great way for me to stay on top of current market trends, and also meet a lot of home-buyers. I feel like I’ve made leaps and bounds with my open house presentation, and my interactions with clients.  I have found that hosting open houses is one of the best ways to build your sphere of influence and client base when just getting started.

A month ago I had the opportunity to interview with a top producer for a full time associate broker position on her team.  She offered me the position and I am now working with her full-time.  Working for a top producer has been incredible. I’m gaining experiences and learning from a true professional and top expert in the field.

One noticeable difference from my last career to this one is the amount of we have here at the Lincoln Park Office.  We have office 

This week we have our annual company wide party at the Bridgeport Art Center.  These parties have a reputation for being a blast, and I can’t wait to check it out.  Next week, we are doing a charity event at a bowling alley right across the street from our office through the Baird and Warner Good Will Network – a nonprofit that provides support to local charities. I created a bowling team of my own for the event with some buddies and we’re really looking forward to it.  We have an inter-office softball league in the summer and there are always other opportunities to get involved with fun events. The people in this office definitely subscribe to the “work hard play hard” mantra.

Overall, I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join this particular real estate office.  With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to know which office is right for you but I know without a doubt I made the right choice in choosing Baird & Warner Lincoln Park!

Mike – Learning a LOT!

The amount of things I’ve learned in just a few weeks is incredible. This week, I attended another module at Baird & Warner’s Career Institute downtown. Today we went over sales contracts and negotiations with a few of the top agents and managers from different B&W offices. My favorite part of their presentation was being able to hear about the experiences they’ve collected throughout the years. Afterwards, we split into groups where we acted out different scenarios that would challenge us as buying and/or listing agents. This type of role playing is extremely beneficial in this business and having talked through various scenarios will help me handle these conversations professionally.

Last Thursday, our branch manager David, hosted the weekly sales meeting. He talked about current housing trends in both Lincoln Park and other neighborhoods in Chicago.  Rather than just present us with market stats and trends, David interprets the information and talks about the best ways to assist our clients considering the current market conditions.  He also talked about a few of our upcoming office events including ProHOWbition, an annual charity fundraiser event we’re hosting to raise money for Housing Opportunities for Women.  

This week has been flying by as I have been busy working with my first set of clients. It’s funny to look back on how nervous I was the first time I met them.  It didn’t take long before I was very comfortable working with them. One of the things I admire most about our office is the diversity of brokers who work here. Some have been in the business for only a yea (or less) r and can relate to me as a new agent, while others have been around for many years and can teach me everything there is to know. It’s a very comforting feeling to have the cooperation and camaraderie of an office culture like this and to know I can reach out to just about anyone if I get stuck! 

Week 8 – Alec

Week 8:

I have been working with a buyer and we recently came across a property they like.  We are at the beginning stages of my first transaction! It is very exciting but also hectic to be learning all of the initial communications, contract information and procedures that are needed to create a smooth transition into negotiations. Although I am new, I do feel that I have the necessary skills to negotiate with experienced listing brokers and reach the best price for my client due. I have always been able to present directly and confidently which helps in all aspects of negotiations.

One thing I needed guidance with was filling out my first contract, but the direction I was given from my managing brokers here at the Lincoln Park office was all I needed to feel more confident.

My client was very satisfied with the outcome of our negotiations and is now ready to start the inspection and attorney review period. Each day I am looking for anything I can do to make this transaction as flawless as possible. Unfortunately, there is a lot of sitting and waiting for all parties to respond and get on the same page through the day-to-day progression. As long as I am on top of everything, my client will hopefully see that I am a hard worker and feel comfortable as I guide them through this pivotal moment in their life. The only other trouble that I’ve found to be present during this process is that it is very hard for me to focus on anything else. I know I should be continuing to work towards other opportunities, but can’t seem to pull myself away from the original transaction. I hope to have good news for next week’s New Broker Diary as this deal should move quite hastily.

Week 4 – Alec

Week 4:

This week I worked my first open house and I think it went very well!  Only a few people came through to look at the property, but I gained some valuable experience just being there and talking to people (potential clients) about real estate. At first, I was a little nervous about how I would talk to people, however I quickly realized that if I asked the right questions, the guests would do most of the talking and the conversations would go much more smoothly.

It is important to be prepared and understand the local market when hosting an open house. It was great to be able to go through all of the materials I needed with Diana prior to the open and arrive well prepared. Yet another example of how the management at Baird & Warner Lincoln Park is available to help with new agent questions no matter how big or small.  We created brochures, went over the sign in process and my presentation for the potential clients that I would meet. Just moments before the open house started when I had laid out all of my brochures and business cards, I felt that I was ready to present myself as a real estate professional and handle anything that came my way.

The only thing I would do differently in the future is that I would get there a bit earlier so that I can explore the house and really find key points to accent for people. I feel that this would help me put a personal touch on the showing and maybe help my guests notice something that they wouldn’t normally think to look for. You never know if one small detail is going to be a deciding factor in their decision or not.  Other than that, I felt very well prepared and I look forward to following up with the potential clients I met!

Week 2 – Alec

Week 2:

This week I had a meeting with my Sales Support Manager Diana so we could go over some marketing materials and coordinate an announcement about my new career that would go out to everyone in my sphere of influence. What’s great about Baird & Warner is the fact that they let me take the reigns and personalize my own marketing strategy. This allows me to put my own personal touch on things as opposed to sending out a generic form letter. Of course, if I ever need help with anything, Diana and David are there to give me advice and suggestions on how to make my initial efforts at a marketing campaign successful. We are constantly pondering creative strategies that will attract clients to my business brand. These ongoing conversations I’ve had with Diana & David are incredibly useful as I work to grow my business as a realtor.
This week I also attended our weekly new broker training session where a small group of us share experiences and challenges we’ve had as we get our businesses up and running. Sometimes these trainings run like a round-table discussion group where we talk through issues, questions and concerns we face. Other times we delve deep into a pre-selected topic that will help us grow our businesses and run through various scenarios.  While these meetings are not mandatory, they are very helpful and I go to as many as I possibly can. I know the knowledge and experience I gain from these trainings will prove useful when I’m finally doing some deals of my own! 

Week 1 – Alec

Week 1:

When I first started this journey, I thought I had a pretty good idea of how things would pan out:

I’ll absorb as much information as possible during the educational phase. By the time I complete the instructional courses and exams, I will know exactly what company I will want to join. Then, they will guide me seamlessly into my career.”  While this may sound like the ultimate scenario, it’s not where most people find themselves after the completion of their real estate pre-licensing course. Even with the dozens of letters and phone calls from recruiters, I wasn’t feeling satisfied that I knew what office I would join and I wasn’t getting any closer to my decision. Where was I going to hang my license?

In the beginning, I knew a few things: I didn’t want to join a giant company where I would be considered as a number rather than a person. I wanted a company that would understand my personality and the way that I do my work.  I wanted an office with a great culture and a company with a stellar reputation.  A few more weeks of searching went by with no success until I received an email from David Bailey, the Managing Broker at Baird & Warner-Lincoln Park. I knew the Baird & Warner name well as I had seen their signs throughout the city and suburbs. Though it didn’t seem like the intimate, tight-knit company I initially wanted, I didn’t have much to lose, so I gave it a go.

Immediately upon sitting down with David, I knew I found what I was looking for. He didn’t try to sell me on anything; he simply gave me facts about the wonderful company I am now proud to be a part of. He was kind and direct, and he gave me time to consider my decision. He arranged a meeting with Diana, the assistant managing broker, so I could learn more about company culture, tools and resources. My discussion with Diana far surpassed my expectations, and I knew that she, like David, was one of the most knowledgeable yet down-to-earth people I had ever met when it comes to real estate. It did not take long for me to realize how lucky I would be to have these easy-going, professional, and helpful individuals guide me through this process. It became clear that Baird & Warner, though a fairly large and successful company, was in fact the close knit community I was looking for all along.

Needless to say, Diana and David made my decision of Baird & Warner in Lincoln Park an easy one. Since then, I have been reminded every day that I made the right choice by the amazing office I get to work in, the passionate people I get to work with, and the tremendous knowledge I have gained through the interactive and fulfilling training sessions provided by the company. I am looking forward to learning more under the guidance of David and Diana and the rest of the remarkable Baird & Warner team!